Welcome to my website

It's somewhat empty for now, because it's main use is in linking social medias and email.

Run a snowflake proxy in the meantime: 



While there is not a ton to be said within this post, it is helpful both for others to know about this, how I did it, and for myself to know it worked.

So what exactly IS bridged? Posts, in the order of website to Mastodon to BlueSky.

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Security Headers & PGP Email Encryption

As of today, this site now has strong security headers that will protect the site.

The tools I used to examine and create such are securityheaders.com and csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com

As for PGP email support; yes this site has supported PGP email from the day of creation, however support for such has improved in a few miscellaneous ways and as PGP email evolves, should continue to improve support.

For those that don't know what PGP is, here is a explanation.

For those that know what PGP is and want my public pgp key, https://pgp.greenstars.cc/email/Website[AT]bluestars.cc

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